
Another new book

The Bahá’í Way of Life

This new book is a companion to “What Do Bahá’ís Believe”.  It explains everything from prayer and fasting to weddings, funerals and Bahá’í elections. It is primarily written for those who have just become Bahá’ís, or for those who are thinking about doing so. It can also be used as a simple reference guide for those who have been Bahá’ís for a while. It may also be of interest to those who just want to understand what it means to live a Bahá’í life.
48 pages, no illustrations, A5, £1.50 each.
ISBN:  978-1-7392613-1-3


“The Baha’i Faith” leaflet

We have produced a new version of “The Bahá’í Faith – What is It” with a shortened title. It now has a full-colour cover and the text has been updated a little in places. This leaflet is written in a straightforward style which makes it suitable for most readers. It is an ideal introduction for those who want a basic idea of what Bahá’ís believe and what they do. See the Leaflets page for the full text. The cost is still 10p per copy.


5th in the series

A new children’s book

Bahíyyih Khánum – the Daughter of Bahá’u’lláh

This is the last in a series of books for young children. It is a companion to the books on “The Báb”, “Bahá’u’lláh”, “‘Abdu’l-Bahá” and “Shoghi Effendi”. This book tells the life of Bahíyyih Khánum, the daughter of Bahá’u’lláh, in simple terms with an illustration or photograph on each page. Bahíyyih Khánum witnessed the ministries of Bahá’u’lláh, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá and the Guardian. An exceptional woman, she led the Faith during the absences of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá and the Guardian from the Holy Land.

Like the other books, this has been written for children aged 5 to 7 years, but can also be used with children who are younger or older than this. It includes some suggested activities which should complement the story, plus a very brief introduction to the Bahá’í Faith which may be helpful for parents or teachers.

The book is A5 in size and costs £1.

ISBN 978-1-7392613-0-6


Another New Book

This is a book for young children, designed as a companion to the books on “The Báb”, “Bahá’u’lláh” and “‘Abdu’l-Bahá”. The book tells the life of Shoghi Effendi in simple terms with a photograph on each page. Like the others, it has been written for children aged 5 to 7 years, but can also be used with children who are older than this. It includes some suggested activities which should complement the story, plus a very brief introduction to the Bahá’í Faith which may be helpful for parents or teachers.

The book is A5 in size and costs £1.

ISBN 978-1-9993486-9-4


Another 2 leaflets

We have produced updated versions of two of our more popular leaflets, both now with full-colour covers. The first is “All Religions are One”, which explains the Bahá’í understanding of the connection between religions, the revelation of God’s will through time, and the nature of the Manifestations of God.

The second is “A New World  – Building a Better Future”. This is a revised version of our “New World Order” leaflet. It explains the need for a world peace conference, a world government and other world institutions, a common language, economic system, etc, all based on the unity of mankind. It also briefly describes Bahá’í elections and the principle of consultation, ending by offering this as a model for the future.

See the leaflet page for the full text of both leaflets.


3 new books!

Rather unexpectedly, we have produced 3 books at once. Two of these are introductory books, details are below.
The third book, “Words of Peace”, was produced very quickly in response to the war in Ukraine. It contains prayers for peace and unity, plus quotations from the Bahá’í Writings on how peace should be brought about, the contributory factors involved, and also the necessary spiritual aspects.

A6, 48 pages, 50p
ISBN:  978-1-9993486-8-7

This is a relatively easy-to-read introductory book, with 2 pages per topic, including an illustration and a quotation from the Bahá’í Writings.

It is largely based on the Warwick Bookshop leaflets and includes many of the wonderful analogies in the Bahá’í Writings.

“It’s an excellent little booklet. First-class – the Faith in a nutshell. Impressive.”

48 pages, A5.


ISBN:  978-1-9993486-7-0

This is a very simple introductory book explaining Bahá’í beliefs. Each page has a brief explanation of a topic and has a picture and a quotation from the Bahá’í Writings. The book is especially suitable for those who are not avid readers or for those who just want a quick overview, also for junior youth and older children.

“They are excellent, best introductory books I have ever seen…”

A6, 48 pages, £1 each.
ISBN:  978-1-9993486-6-3

For more details see the Books page.


A new children’s book

‘Abdu’l-Bahá – the Perfect Example of a Bahá’í

This is a book for young children (designed as a companion to Christine Abbas’s books on “Bahá’u’lláh” and “The Báb”). This book tells the life of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in simple terms with photographs and some delightful illustrations. Like the others, it has been written for children aged 5 to 7 years, but can also be used with children who are older than this. It includes some suggested activities which should complement the story, plus a very brief introduction to the Bahá’í Faith which may be helpful for parents or teachers.
The book is A5 in size and costs £1.
ISBN 978-1-9993486-5-6


New Leaflet

A Life of Service
– following the example of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá

The 3-fold leaflet explores the different opportunities to serve, as an individual and as a community, and refers briefly to the life of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá as an example. It includes many quotations about service (mostly from ‘Abdu’l-Bahá) plus a prayer for service at the end.
 Copies are 10p each, plus postage.


Another new book

We are delighted to announce this addition to our “Water of Life” series, which contains the 26 prayers, written by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, which were translated into English in honour of the centenary of His passing. They are arranged under subject headings. Books are A6 in size, 32 pages, and cost 50p each. ISBN: 978-1-9993486-4-9


A new prayer book

This is a simple introductory prayer book which contains prayers on a variety of subjects. It is ideal for those attending devotional meetings for example. One customer said:

“A brilliant selection for those new to praying or who are sceptical of finding comfort in prayer.”

Books are A6 in size and cost 50p each. ISBN: 978-1-9993486-3-2

This is the list of topics in the book:

Spiritual Growth






Necessities of Life






For Humanity


For Our Parents

For Those in the Next World

Meeting Together


A Daily Prayer